
State of the Union

Having attended a party last night touting celebration of American history and ideals, I rolled out of bed through a smattering of red, white, and blue cans to confront my computer screen (as and most other Americans will do for on average 8 more hours). A New York Times article about reinventing the urban landscape in this country caught my eye:

The author discretely incites a call to action to our nation, consciously or not. I feel that although articles and movements like this seem outrageously progressive or "hippy-ish" to many, environmentalism and a sense of national responsibility will return to our nation through future generations. Just as I was born into an era and community where racism and women's oppression are becoming relics, I believe that subsequent generations of youth will be born into a more eco-conscious America.

However, my optimistic outlook may be unprecedented due to an issue of "critical mass." As the article makes poignant, we see cities in France, Denmark, GB, and China restructuring urban settings and mindsets for a more sustainable future. These cities, much older and more densely populated than US cities have no option but to adapt as critical mass has been reached. American cities, St. Louis in particular have no limits to sprawl thanks to the Eisenhower interstate system and car-culture that came in suit. What will it take for US cities to reach this critical mass? Rising gas prices? Shortage of natural resources? Government regulation? Awareness through community outreach?

I invest my stock* in future, educated, socially conscious Americans. Hah laughable.

*('Cause I sure as hell ain't investing in the stock market)

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